When You Visit

When you visit Advanced Specialty Massage in Benton City, there will be no rush and we can take our time discussing your needs.

Instead of the standard rushed 50 minute experience, I offer 1 full hour of hands on treatment and specialized individual attention. I am excited to work with you and help you recover from injuries or just the day to day aches and pains.

We will assess and view images of the specific muscles that might be involved and answer any questions you may have. Then we can choose the treatment that best suits your needs. This is not just ordinary massage, these unique and reliable Medical and Therapeutic Massage Treatments are specifically designed for application in relieving pain resulting from Injuries, chronic long term muscle dicomfort, trama or overused muscles. These massage treatments have proven to be extremely helpful in relieving many serious muscle pain issues.                          

So visit Advanced Specialty Massage in Benton City for all your muscular pain and massage care needs.